недеља, 6. новембар 2016.

Tri šešira

Malo, malo, pa me neko upita - pa dobro, kad će više Gastro policija da opiše neki restoran iz Skadarlije? Znate kada? Kada zaista budem imala neki toliko radostan povod da ga proslavim! - bio bi moj odgovor. Jer Skadarlija nije za obične, usputne večere, ona je za specijalne prilike. I ima li boljeg povoda od tog što sam postala tetka? Nema! Pa, hajmo da proslavimo! Gde? Pa u Skadarliju, u Tri šešira!

Tri šešira
Kada god vam neko dođe u posetu iz inostranstva, gde ćete ga odvesti prvo? Naravno, u čuvenu boemsku četvrt. Jer ovde se vraćate u neka prošla, bezbrižnija vremena. Moram da primetim da se dosta kafića (bezdušnih, kako ih ja zovem) pootvaralo na početku ulice, ali one najvrednije kafane i dalje opstaju, i jako mi je drago zbog toga. Tri šešira mi je jedan od najomiljenijih. Jer ovo je restoran gde će vas uvek, ama BAŠ UVEK dočekati sa osmehom na licu, i uvek će se potruditi da vam izađu u susret i pokušaju da nađu sto, iako nemate rezervisano (mada bih vam preporučila da ipak rezervišete, što je sigurno, sigurno je).

Tri šešira - eksterijer

Tri šešira - enterijer
Dopada mi se kod Tri šešira što ama baš ni na jednom polju nije podlegao modernizaciji (neguju pravu srpsku tradiciju već 150 godina), te je njihova bašta prepuna cveća i stolova sa čuvenim bordo stolnjacima i belim nadstolnjacima. Ista takva je i unutrašnjost restorana sa starim drvenim čivilucima i slikama starog Beograda po zidovima.

Mi smo se smestile u baštu i bacile na proučavanje menija koji je prepun srpskih specijaliteta (meni u punom sastavu možete da pogledate na njihovoj stranici). Takođe imaju izuzetno bogatu vinsku kartu gde možete da naručite vino i na čašu i na flašu. Mi smo se ovog puta odlučile za Srpsku dasku za dvoje. Smatrale smo da je to najbolji odabir gde ćemo moći kompletno da ocenimo hranu restorana. Uz to smo naručile i korpicu njihovih mix hlepčića, jer kako ja volim da kažem - po hlebu se restoran poznaje. Moram da priznam dok ovo kuckam i razmatram koju sliku da okačim odmah mi se probudio apetit (kad se samo setim). Elem, nakon nekih pola sata stigla nam je daska koja je bila toliko ogromna da je bukvalno jedva stala na sto. Biftek, kobasice, ćevapčići, rolovana piletina, sve je bilo preukusno. Na dasci je takođe bila rolovana crvena paprika sa sirom koja je bila toliko dobra da mi je žao što je nije bilo u većoj količini!! Uz meso na dasci je poslužen i pečen krompir koji iskreno nije bio po mom ukusu, više bih volela da je bio malo začinjeniji i malo pečeniji, ali dobro, nema veze. Što se tiče hlepčića - savršeni! Korpica je dovoljna za jedno šestoro ljudi, tako da bi bilo dobro kad bi bilo i manje porcije tih hlepčića. Tu su bili štapići i lepinjice sa paprikama, belim lukom, maslinama.. I svaki je bio preukusan, topao i svež. Apsolutno sve pohvale za kuvara!

Korpica hleba

Srpska daska za dvoje

Srpska daska za dvoje

Da li je potrebno da napomenem da su za sjajnu atmosferu u restoranu bili zaduženi tamburaši? I da smo apsolutno uživale svim čulima u ovom savršenom putovanju u prošlost? Tako da ukoliko vas je ikada kopkalo kako bi to izgledalo kada biste imali mogućnost da na dva sata isprobate čari vremeplova, pravac u Tri šešira i putovanje može da počne!

Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!



From time to time, someone asks me - ok, when will Gastro police finally describe a restaurant from Skadarlija? You know when? When a special occasion comes up and we need to celebrate it! - that would be my answer. Because Skadarlija is not a place for ordinary, casual dinners, it’s the place for special occasions. And what better reason than me becoming an aunt? None! Well, let's celebrate! Where? Skadarlija of course, the restaurant Tri šešira!

Tri šešira

Whenever someone comes to visit from abroad, where do you take him first? Of course, the famous bohemian quarter. Because this place brings up the memories of past and carefree times. I must say that a lot of cafes (soulless, as I call them) appeared at one end of the street, but the most valuable kafanas (Serbian taverns) still persist, and that makes me very glad.Tri šešira is one of my most favorite restaurants. Because this is a restaurant where you will always, absolutely always be welcomed with a smile, and they will always do their best and try to find you a table, even though you do not have a reservation (although I would recommend that you make one, better safe than sorry).

Tri šešira - exterior

Tri šešira - interior

What I like about the restaurant Tri šešira is that they haven’t succumbed to modernization, by no means (they nurture real Serbian tradition for 150 years already), so that’s why their garden is full of flowers and on the tables there are famous maroon tablecloths and white table-runners. The interior of the restaurant is the same- old wooden coat racks and pictures of old Belgrade on the walls.

We chose a table in the garden and studied the menu which is full of Serbian specialties (you can find the complete menu on their website). They also have a very big wine list, where you can order wine both by the glass and by the bottle. This time we decided for Serbian platter for two. We considered that to be the best choice, where we would be able to fully evaluate this restaurant’s food. In addition, we ordered their mix of various type of bread that is served in a basket, because, as I like to say – you judge the restaurant by its bread. I have to admit that while I’m typing this and considering which photo to upload, it whetted my appetitte (when I only remember...). Anyway, after about half an hour, we received our platter (a cutting wooden board, actually) that was so big that it could barely fit on the table. Steak, sausages, kebabs, chicken rolls, everything was delicious. In the platter, there was also some rolled red pepper stuffed with cheese, that was so delicious that I was sad that there wasn’t more of it !! Baked potatoes were served along with the meat, which frankly weren’t to my taste, I'd rather like those a little spicier and baked a little more, but well, never mind. As for the bread - perfect! One basket is enough for one to six people, so it would be great if they had a smaller portion of these. A basket consists of bread sticks and buns with peppers, garlic, olives.. And each was delicious, warm and fresh. Absolute praise for the chef!

Various type of bread

Serbian platter for two

Serbian platter for two

Is it even necessary to mention that tambura(a stringed folk instrument) players were responsible for the great atmosphere in the restaurant? And that we absolutely enjoyed with all of our senses in this perfect journey to the past? So if you ever wondered what it would look like if you had the opportunity to try out the wonders of time machine, for about two hours, go straight to the Tri šešira and your adventure can begin!

Love, Gastro police !!

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