петак, 30. март 2018.

Beli bor - Divčibare

Poslednje dane zime ekipa Gastro policije (ovog puta u punom sastavu) iskoristila je za mini odmor na Divčibarama. Iako je po mom mišljenju još uvek nedovoljno turistički razvijena, ova planina itekako ima šta da ponudi kada je gastro scena u pitanju. Posetili smo dosta restorana o kojima će biti reči u nekom od narednih tekstova, a u ovom postu prenećemo vam svoje utiske iz meni omiljenog restorana. U pitanju je restoran Beli bor.

Beli bor
Restoran Beli bor je restoran domaće kuhinje i nalazi se u srcu samih Divčibara. Sam enterijer je već oronuo, i trebalo bi mu jedno dobro renoviranje, dok je bašta restorana u mnogo boljem stanju, u etno stilu sa klupama i stolovima, i meni omiljenim kockastim stolnjacima.

Jelovnik restorana je poduži i dominiraju jela sa naših prostora. Mnoga jela mogu da se naruče po pola porcije, a cene su osrednje. Gastro policija odlučila je da isproba klasična jela domaće kuhinje i da svoj sud na osnovu toga. 

Prva na listi našla se Teleća čorba (RSD 200). Ogromna porcija, prebogata teletinom i povrćem, i što je najvažnije od svega bila je sveža i vrela. Čorbice su mi jedno od omiljenih jela u ovo doba godine, i prezadovoljna sam ponudom Belog bora kada je ovo jelo u pitanju. 

Teleća ćorba
Od salata probale smo tri salate koje se najčešće naručuju po restoranima domaće kuhinje - Šopsku salatu (RSD 190), Svež kupus (RSD 120) i Pečenu ljutu papričicu (RSD 70). Kada su salate u pitanju doduše retko koji restoran može da omaši, ali svakako je ukus svakog jela lepši u okruženju kao što su Divčibare te su i ove salate imale poseban šmek.

Šopska salata

Svež kupus

Pečena ljuta papričica
Za glavna jela plan je bio da naručimo po pola porcije i celu porciju određenih jela, i da utvrdimo da li se možemo najesti i koliko od koje ponaosob. Kada su po pola porcije u pitanju odlučile smo se za Svinjski ražnjić (RSD 340) i Pljeskavicu (RSD 300), a cela porcija je pala na Pljeskavicu na kajmaku (RSD 580). I male i velike porcije servirane su na klasičan srpski način uz pomfrit, crni luk i čuvene ružice od šargarepe. Te ružice u meni bude nostalgiju i mnogo sam srećna kada naletim na njih u tanjiru. Jela su bila sočna i ukusna, fino pripremljena, bez ikakvih zamerki. A kada su porcije u pitanju, recimo da će vam mala porcija biti knap, dok će vam velika porcija biti sigurno prevelika te nećete moći da je pojedete. Zaključak je da bi trebalo da postoji neka srednja porcija i ona bi bila baš taman, ali da ne cepidlačim.

Svinjski ražnjić

Pljeskavica na kajmaku

Gastro policija se nije ovde zaustavila, te smo se odlučili za klasični srpski desert - Palačinke (RSD 200). Punjene eurokremom i plazmom i prelivene čokoladom, ovo su verujte mi ja mislim najbolje palačinke koje sam probala. I sad će mnogi od vas pomisliti - Šta priča ova, palačinke ko palačinke. Ali ne znam ni ja zbog čega da li zbog testa ili čokolade, ali ove su ostavile poseban utisak na mene (koja nisam ljubitelj slatkiša). Bravo!

Što se tiče same usluge, nama je zapao jedan stariji konobar šaljivdžija koji je sve vreme zbijao šale, i on nam je dodatno ulepšao posetu ovom restoranu. Velike pohvale za njega!

Kada je tip gostiju u pitanju, ovaj restoran je jedan od posećenijih na ovoj destinaciji, što zbog lokacije samog restorana, što zbog dobre usluge, što zbog super odnosa cena-kvalitet. Još jedan plus mu je kada je lokacija u pitanju što se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini mesta sa kojeg kreće autobus, te dok ručate u bašti ne morate da se brinete da li ćete na vreme stići na autobus, jer bukvalno staje na 10m od vas, te u ovom restoranu imate najveću mogućnost da se sapletete o nečiji kofer (da ne kažem kufer).

Beli bor od mene dobija 5 zvezdica, i jedan je od restorana koji moraju da se nađu na vašoj ček listi kada je u pitanju poseta Divčibarama.

Voli vas vaša Nada by Gastro policija!!

NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.

The last winter days, the Gastro Police team (this time we arrived in full force) spent on a mini vacation at Divčibare. Although, in my opinion, the tourism is still insufficiently developed here, this mountain certainly has something to offer when it comes to the gastro scene. We visited a lot of restaurants that will be mentioned in some of our following posts, and in this post we give you the impressions from my favorite one. The restaurant Beli bor.
Beli bor
The restaurant Beli bor is a restaurant of local cuisine and it’s located in the heart of Divčibare. The interior itself is decrepit, it longs for a big renovation, while the garden of the restaurant is in a much better shape, ethno styled with wooden benches and tables, and my favorite, checkered tablecloths.

The menu of the restaurant is lengthy and dominated by the local dishes. Many dishes can be ordered in half a portion, the prices are average. Gastro police decided to try some of the classic dishes of local cuisine and share our impressions.

The first on the list was the Veal soup (RSD 200). The portion is huge, lots of meat and vegetables, and most important of all, it was fresh and hot. Soups are one of my favorite dishes at this time of the year, and I am very pleased with the Beli bor’s offer of this type of dish.
Veal soup
As for the salads, we tried the three most popular salads in the local cuisine restaurants – Shopska salad (RSD 190), Cabbage salad (RSD 120) and Roasted hot pepper (RSD 70). Even though the restaurants can rarely mess up a salad, every dish certainly tastes better in an environment such as Divčibare, so these salads also had a special charm.
Shopska salad

Cabbage salad

Roasted hot pepper
For the main dishes, our plan was to order half a portion and a whole portion of some dishes, so we can determine whether that’s enough to fill our bellies or not. We ordered half a portion of Pork skewer (RSD 340) and Burger (RSD 300), and the whole portion of Burger with kaymak (RSD 580). Both small and large portions are served in a classic Serbian way with fries, onion and famous carrot roses. I feel nostalgic and very happy when I see those roses on a plate. The dishes were juicy and tasty, nicely prepared, I have no complaints. And when the size of the portions is in question, let's say that a small portion will be barely enough, while a large portion will surely be too big and you won’t be able to finish it. The conclusion is that there should be some medium sized portion and it would be just right, but not to niggle about it.

Pork skewer

Burger with kaymak

Gastro police didn’t stop here, so we ordered the classic Serbian dessert - Crepes (RSD 200). Filled with eurocrem and plazma biscuit and drizzled with chocolate, believe me, I think these were the best crepes  I've ever tried. I know what many of you’ll think - What's she talking about, they’re just crepes. I don’t know why, maybe because of the batter or that chocolate, but these crepes have left a special impression on me (and I’m not a big fan of sweets). Well done!
An older droll waiter served us, who’s been joking all the time, so he made our visit to this restaurant even better. A big praise for him!

This restaurant is one of the most visited in this destination, both due to the location of the restaurant itself and the good service, but also due to the great price-quality ratio. Another plus is the fact that the restaurant is located near the bus pick up point, and while you’re enjoying your meal in the garden, you don’t have to worry about missing your bus, because it literally stops at 10 m from you, so there’s a big chance to trip over someone's suitcase.

I give the restaurant Beli bor 5 stars, you have to include them on your list of places to visit when it comes to visiting Divčibare.

Love, Nada Gastro police !!

NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.

уторак, 20. март 2018.


Gastro policija je odlučila da prve tople, sunčane dane provede u lepoj bašti nekog beogradskog restorana. Vođena lokalpatriotizmom svoje najbolje drugarice, odlučila sam da to bude Id, tj. Vračar.

Ovo je mesto koje smo odavno planirale da posetimo, ali igrom slučaja je tek sad došlo na red. Posebno mi je bio intrigantan jer je inspirisan Frojdom, a ja sam ljubitelj psihijatrije. 

Naziv ovog restorana je pun pogodak! Id je deo ličnosti u kome su smešteni nagoni i predstavlja izvor energije za ceo psihički sistem. Odlučile smo da proverimo mogu li ovde da se zadovolje čovekove bazične potrebe.

Smešten u Karađorđevom parku, sa prelepim pogledom iz bašte i veselog, šarenog enterijera, sa slikom čuvenog Frojda i mnogo zanimljivih detalja, Id osvaja već na prvi pogled. Sklop boja i moderan enterijer čini da se osećate lepo i prijatno.

Id - enterijer
Jelovnik je bogat, raznovrstan, ali pre svega originalan! Skoro svako jelo nosi naziv nekog psihijatrijskog termina ili bolesti, stoga od mene sve čestitke za kreativnost. Dok smo razmišljale o glavnom jelu, drugarica je odlučila da proba paradajz čorbicu, koja se ovde zove Moja (300 rsd). Kad je probala, volela bih da mogu da upotrebim neki drugi izraz umesto tog da je bila oduševljena. Rekla je da je to najbolja paradajz čorba koju je probala, savršen spoj parmezana i krutona bio je praznik za njena nepca. 

Moja čorba
Pre čorbe nam je bio poslužen Kuver (110 rsd po osobi), kog su činili sveži hlepčići sa namazom od pavlake i pesto sosa. Odlična uvertira za ono što je sledilo.

Nije nimalo bilo lako izabrati glavno jelo, jer je jelovnik internacionalan, sa kombinacijama domaćih specijaliteta. Posle više premišljanja, odlučile smo se za Insomnia-u (1850 rsd) i za Njoke sa tartufima (990 rsd). Insomnia je bila moj izbor, jer se sastoji od bifteka, dimljenog sira i hrskavog krompira. Kad sam probala biftek, znala sam da sam donela pravu odluku. Bio je odlično pečen, dominantno krvav, a prilozi su samo pojačavali uživanje. Njoke su se, osim od tartufa, sastojale i od neutralne pavlake, brie sira i praziluka. Drugarica je pojela celu svoju porciju, što se retko dešava, a po ukusu bi rekla da su, kao i čorba, homemade.


Njoke sa tartufima
Bez obzira što su porcije bile i velike i ukusne, zanimalo nas je da li su im i deserti takvi. Za to nam nije dugo trebalo da se odlučimo, izbor moje drugarice pao je na Id kolač (490 rsd), a moj na Cheesecake (490 rsd). Za oba kolača mogu da kažem isto, a to je da ni u jednom restoranu nismo jele desert sa svežijim sastojcima! Id, koji je čokoladni kolač, bio je topao, sa prosecco kremom, prosto se topio u ustima. Moj Cheesecake je bio preukusan, lepo serviran, sa svežim višnjama. 


Naš Id je ovog puta bio i više nego zadovoljen! Puna bašta tog dana govorila je u prilog tome da i drugi ljudi, svih generacija dele naše mišljenje. Cene su malo više, ali kad uzmemo u obzir lokaciju, prostor i hranu, skroz su opravdane. Usluga je bila sjajna, vedri, nasmejani i hitri konobari.

Ako vašim idom zavlada nagon za žeđu i glađu, ne razmišljajte, već se uputite u ovaj restoran, mi ćemo im sigurno biti česti gosti.

 Voli vas vaša Angie by Gastro policija!!


NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.

Gastro police decided to spend these first sunny days in a beautiful garden of some Belgrade restaurant. Guided by the local patriotism of my best friend, I chose th restaurant Id, at Vračar.

This is the restaurant that we had planned to visit for a long time, but, by chance, only now have we found the time to do so. It was especially intriguing because it’s inspired by Freud, and I am a big fan of psychiatry.

The name of this restaurant is really the cat’s whiskers! Id is a part of the personality structure, it is the source of impulses and energy for the entire psychic system. We decided to check if we can fulfill basic human needs here.

Located in Karadjordje’s Park, with a beautiful view from the garden and a cheerful, colorful interior, with the photo of the famous Freud and many other interesting details, the Id wins you over at a first sight. The color combination and the modern interior make you feel nice and cozy.

Id - interior
The menu is diverse, but above all, original! Almost every dish carries the name of a psychiatric term or illness, therefore I congratulate them for creativity. While deciding on the main course, my friend decided to try the tomato soup, here called Mine (300 rsd). When she tasted it, I wish I could use another word instead of her being impressed. She said that it was the best tomato soup she tried, the perfect combination of Parmesan cheese and croutons was a feast for her palate.

Mine soup
Before the soup we were served with their Cover charge (110 rsd per person), it consists of fresh bread with a cream spread and pesto sauce. Excellent overture for the following.

Cover charge
It wasn’t easy to choose the main course, because the menu is international with a combination of some local specialties. After some thinking, we decided for Insomnia (1850 rsd) and Truffled gnocchi (990 rsd). Insomnia was my choice because it consists of steak, smoked cheese and crispy potatoes. When I tried the steak, I knew I made the right decision. It was perfectly cooked, mostly rare, and the side dishes only boosted my enjoyment. As for the Gnocchi, beside truffles, they are made with cooking cream, Brie cheese and leeks. My friend ate her entire portion, which is rarely happening, and by its taste she would say that, like the soup, they were homemade.


Truffled gnocchi
Regardless of the fact that the portions were both large and delicious, we were wondering if their desserts were such, as well. It didn’t take us long to decide what to order, Id cake (490 rsd) was the choice of my friend, while mine was Cheesecake (490 rsd). Our impression applies to both of the cakes- we’ve never had dessert with fresher ingredients in any of the restaurants we visited so far! Id, which is a chocolate cake, was warm, with Prosecco cream, it just melted in the mouth. My Cheesecake was delicious, nicely served, with fresh cherries.

Our Id was more than satisfied this time! On that day, the full garden spoke in favor of the fact that the other people, of all generations, share our opinion. The prices are a bit higher, but considering the location, ambiance and food, they are completely justified. The service was great, cheerful, kind and fast waiters.

If thirst and hunger overwhelm your id, do not lose your time thinking, instead go to this restaurant, we will surely be their frequent guests.

 Love, Angie Gastro police !!


NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.

субота, 10. март 2018.


Ušuškan, a opet u centru zbivanja, nedaleko od Trga republike, nalazi se pravi mali raj za obožavaoce internacionalnih ukusa. Osim što se nalazi na ovoj lokaciji, ovaj restoran našao je svoje mesto pod suncem i po tržnim centrima, međutim pošto nisam fan ručka na mestima koja vrve od kupoholičarki, ja sam rešila da ga posetim isključivo na lokaciji u gradu, u Čika Ljubinoj ulici. Verovatno ste već pogodili - u pitanju je restoran Monument.

Ovaj restoran je modernog enterijera, sa vrlo prijatnom baštom leti, s obzirom na lokaciju. Doduše, pošto zima još uvek uveliko traje, baštu smo zaobišle, te smo se smestile na gornjem spratu ovog restorana. 

Jelovnik je zaista čaroban. Jedan od onih gde ne možete lako da se odlučite šta da naručite. Sviđa mi se što je sistematičan i uredan, a veliko iznenađenje za mene bile su i fotografije pored svakog jela u meniju, tako da nema iznenađenja kako će vam jelo biti servirano i šta ćete dobiti na tanjiru. Predjela, homemade paste, mezetluci, jela iz tiganja, jela ispod sača, riba, stekovi, roštilj.. ma apsolutno svako će pronaći nešto za sebe iz ovog genijalnog jelovnika. Mi smo ovog puta bile u biftek raspoloženju te smo se odlučile za Beef burger (RSD 650) i Biftek salatu na fokači (RSD 750). Beef burger bio je sa mix salatom, čedar sirom, kiselim krastavcima, slaninom i fenomenalnim džemom od luka, i spada u top 3 burgera koja sam imala priliku da jedem. Karamelizovani luk mu je dao jedinstveni ukus koji se teško zaboravlja. Burger je bio serviran sa prženim krompirom sa tankom koricom (sve pohvale za restorane koji ne koriste smrznuti pomfrit) i sosom od paradajza. Salata servirana na fokači bila je pravo malo otkrovenje za nas. Iskreno ne bi mi nikad palo na pamet da ovako spremim salatu sa biftekom, ali moram da priznam da je ova ideja pun pogodak. Fokača je bila preukusna, goveđi file sočan, a dresing, paradajz i parmezan dali su dozu svežine koju svaka salata treba da ponese. Apsolutno fantastično!

Beef salata na fokači

Beef burger
Nakon ova dva jela, postalo mi je jasnije zašto je Monument uvek prepun što mlađih što starijih, što turista. Za sasvim pristojnu sumu novca, možete da dobijete preukusan obrok koji će vas itekako zasititi i u kojem ćete sto posto uživati svim čulima. 

Osim što su jela sjajna, i sama usluga je bila korektna. Fini konobari, na nivou svog zadatka bili su uslužni i brzi. 

Međutim, moram da priznam da mi je bilo žao što nisam još nešto probala, ali zasiurno ću se opet vratiti da testiram svoja čula ovde. A dok opet ne budem našla vremena za posetu ovom restoranu, uvek je tu telefon na koji možete da poručite sve što vam se svidi sa menija Monumenta, jer na moju veliku radost (a možda i na vašu uskoro) rade i kućnu dostavu. Pa ko kako voli da uživa u hrani, nek izvoli.

Voli vas vaša Nada by Gastro policija!!

NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.

Tucked away and yet again in the center of happenings, not far from the Republic Square, there is a real small paradise for international tastes fans. Apart from this location, this restaurant has also found its place in the sun in the shopping centers, but since I'm not a fan of having lunch at places swarmed with shopaholics, I decided to visit the one in the city center, in Čika Ljubina Street. You probably already guessed - it's the restaurant Monument.
This restaurant has a modern interior and, considering its location, a very pleasant garden during summer. However, since winter is still here, we skipped the garden, so we settled on the top floor of this restaurant.

The menu is truly magical. One of those where you can’t easily decide what to order. I like the fact that it’s systematic and tidy, and a great surprise to me were the photos of each dish, so there is no surprise about the way of serving or what you will get on the plate. Appetizers, homemade pastas, snacks, one-pot dishes, roasted dishes under the bell, fish, steaks, BBQ ... absolutely everyone will find something to their taste from this genial menu. This time, we were in a mood for some steak, so we decided for Beef burger (RSD 650) and Focaccia beefsteak salad (RSD 750). The Beef burger was made with a salad mix, cheddar cheese, pickles, bacon and a phenomenal caramelized onion jam, and it placed itself in the top 3 burgers I had a chance to eat. That caramelized onion gave it a unique taste that is hard to forget. The burger was served with fried potatoes with skin (all praise for the restaurants that don’t serve frozen French fries) and tomato sauce. The salad served on focaccia was a revelation to us. Honestly, I never would’ve thought to make a steak salad this way, but I have to admit that the idea is brilliant. The focaccia was delicious, the steak was juicy, and the dressing, tomatoes and Parmesan cheese gave it that dose of freshness that each salad should have. Absolutely fantastic!

Focaccia beefsteak salad

Beef burger

After these two dishes, it became clear to me why the Monument is always packed, both with younger guests and the elderly, as well as with tourists. For a very decent amount of money, you can get a delicious meal that you will surely enjoy to the fullest.

Besides the dishes, the service itself was great, too. Polite waiters were helpful and quick, up to the task.

However, I must admit that I regret not trying anything else, but I will surely come back to test my senses again. And until I find the time to revisit this restaurant, I can just pick up the phone and order anything from the Monument menu, because, to my great joy (and perhaps yours, soon), home delivery is also available. I leave it up to you to decide how to try something from their menu.

Love, Nada Gastro police !!


NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.